We welcome all into our facilities (whether you have been here before or are seeking a worship home) for in-person worship, meetings and gatherings.
As Episcopalians, we are members of the world-wide Anglican Communion. At times we are referred to as’ that church started by Henry VIII so he could get a divorce’. Come visit and you’ll find out there is much more to us than a cranky old ancestor. Theologically some suggest we are progressive – instead we think of ourselves as keen on social justice issues, fairness, justice and equality for all folks. Worship-wise, or liturgically as we refer to it, we have a well-defined service that includes scripture readings, hymn singing, praying, preaching and sharing holy communion.
The only way to know if we are a good fit for you, is to try us out. We welcome all and pressure none. The most important thing is your relationship with God and we encourage you to find the place where it will grow most fruitfully. For more information about St. Paul’s, its ministries or anything else, feel free to email the rector, Karen Lewis at rector@stpaulslansing.org or contact our parish office at 517-482-9454.
Blessings to you and yours,
February 9, 2025
Dear All,
My sense is it’s easy to become numb to the news and all that is happening in our country and world. The rapid-fire nature of decisions being made in our national Capitol while not knowing their impact on folks. The fear tens of thousands have of losing their job or their personal identity. Tens of thousands fearing deportation – separation from their families and country which has been home for decades. Who wants to hear this on a daily, if not hourly basis?
Social media is no longer truly social as we know much of what is now on there is generated by bots and cannot be relied upon for accuracy. And our country is more divided than ever as retribution seems to be the name of the game for those formerly in federal administration. Some have decided not to watch the news anymore. But I wonder, how is not knowing helpful? Yes, it can lower one’s anxiety level, but how is that helpful to those affected by governmental actions? What exactly is our role when we believe others are being mis-treated? I don’t have the answers, but I can speculate on what Jesus might have to say about all of this.
This week’s lessons provide us with a chance to hear the “calls” of both the prophet Isaiah and Simon(Peter) to their vocation. Neither one had it easy once they accepted the call to their God-chosen vocation. Both were reluctant and felt unworthy to serve their Lord. Yet despite their doubt, God used them to speak to many folks about love and care for others. I wonder, what has God call you to do? How are you called to give love and grace to our world?
I invite you to ponder your own calling from God and where it might lead you. I suspect that calling includes a strong prayer life. I urge you to add verses 7-9 of Psalm 138 into your prayers this week. I find them particularly helpful and reassuring during challenging times.
Blessings to you and yours. May you have a courageous and great week!
Today we celebrate the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany. It is the Luke version of the Beatitudes and includes three ‘woes’. We will also have a drumming session that starts at Noon in the Sanctuary.
The Office is closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents’ Day. Karen+ is out of the office this week so if there is a pastoral need, contact either Theresa or Donna+.
Our next Wednesday Noon Zoom Book Study will be April 2nd & 9th. We will be on break the month of March as the entire church will be engaging in the book study of James by Percival Everett
Wednesday evening Zoom Bible Study is cancelled for February 19th. We will next meet on February 26th. We will be studying Exodus 34:29-35.
Compline on Wednesday evenings will return in 2025. The Very Rev. Gail Shafer, our priest associate, will offer Compline on Wednesdays evenings at 9:00pm via zoom.
We still need folks to sign up to be greeters and host coffee hour, help taking the recycling and filling the blessing box. There are sign up sheets on the red table in the Merrifield Room.
Looking ahead . . .
Karen+ on vacation February 17-23rd
February 24th – Vestry meeting
February 28th – Faith & Film “ET”
Looking Ahead to March
• March 5th Ash Wednesday – Noon and 7:00pm services
• Lenten Series begins Tuesday, March 18th via Zoom The Invisible Forgotten Person of the Trinity
• Lenten Book Study at Coffee Hour March 16, 23, 30 James by Percival Everett
• Kitty Donohoe concert
We also need folks to sign up to be greeters, coffee hour hosts, ushers, etc. As we return to in-person activities our need for volunteers has returned. Don’t be shy!
St. Paul’s is pleased to offer electronic giving options for your regular pledge payments or other contributions to the church.
You may still contribute by check but now you may give securely by clicking: ONLINE GIVING.
You may also contribute on your phone by texting stpaulsegive to 73256 followed by your gift amount. For example; stpaulsegive $25.
You can also select the option to help us cover the processing costs. For example, a $100 gift with an optional processing fee of 3% will be $3. You will receive full credit of $103 on your gift.
Here is a video to explain the process (unmute for audio instructions):
Sunday Services at 10 am.
Our Sunday worship services are conducted both in-person and virtually. Virtual services may be found on our Facebook page, this website, and YouTube.
218 West Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Sunday parking in Roosevelt Ramp off Seymour
© St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Lansing, MI
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