Sunday Morning Worship Ministries

St. Paul’s has a large array of worship ministries;

  • Acolytes
  • Altar flowers
  • Altar Guild
  • Chalice Bearers
  • Choirs
  • Eucharistic Visitors
  • Greeters
  • Lectors
  • Prayer Leaders
  • Users

All are welcome to participate in these ministries, please reach out for more information or to volunteer.


Acolytes assist the clergy in leading worship at the 10:00 am service and on major feast days such as Christmas and Easter. Contact Greg or Amy Wortley (517-487-8609)



Altar Flowers

Your gift of flowers to the Glory of God provides for the adornment of our altars and a proclamation of Christ’s resurrection. The flowers are a pastoral blessing to those who are shut-in due to illness, faced with personal or family crisis, or those celebrating a milestone. It is truly a multi-faceted gift.

St. Paul’s altar flowers are provided through the goodness of member and friends. Starting in January 2015, you will need to fill out an Altar Flower Dedication Request Form for each Sunday you wish to give a dedication. A sign-up chart will be posted and updated on the bulletin board by the elevator. We can have multiple dedications for any given Sunday. Each dedication request requires a $80 donation. All dedication requests for a specific Sunday will be honored.

To have an altar flower dedication in the bulletin, your request form and $70 donation must be turned into the church office by the Monday prior to the Sunday of your dedication.

Download The Altar Flower Dedication Request Form

Special dedications are planned for four Sundays: Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day and All Saints. A few weeks before these special Sundays, a special dedication form will be provided.

No altar flowers will be on the altar if no dedication has been made for a given Sunday.

Questions? Please contact Theresa Milne, Parish Administrator (517)-482-9454

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church prepares all the things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and any of the other sacraments and offices of the church. The preparations are done in a manner so that all services may be conducted with order and beauty for the worship of Almighty God and His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Members of the altar guild are mindful of the privilege of serving God in his sanctuary with sincere devotion to making their work an acceptable offering to our Lord. The altar guild’s work is a ministry that servers the entire parish. Both women and men serve on the altar guild.

The guild is organized into four groups, one for each week of the month. Each weekly group is responsible for the services that occur during that week beginning on Saturday morning and ending on the following Friday evening. In general, a member is responsible for helping with one service a month during their assigned week. Duties of the altar guild include preparing, cleaning and taking care of the altar and all of its furnishings for every service. The members change all of all of the colored hangings according to the church season; set up the altar and credence table for services; fill candles with liquid oil; put out the floral arrangements; wash and iron linens used during the service; polish silver and brass; and clean the altar and chapel areas. Yearly tasks include decorating the sanctuary for Christmas, making palm crosses for Palm Sunday and preparing for Easter with the stripping of the altar on Maundy Thursday. Regular services that the altar guild serves include two Sunday services and Tuesday noon. Other services include funerals, weddings, and other special services. Contact Bobbi Tisdale 517-646-6557 for additional information.

Altar Guild Breakfast

Chalice Bearers

These ministers share “The Blood of Christ, the Cup of Salvation” to fellow parishioners. The role does require you to be licensed by the Diocese, which requires a one-hour lesson conducted by the Rev. Karen C. Lewis. Contact the Rev. Lewis to sign up for a lesson.


Music plays an integral role in the liturgy of the Episcopal Church.  Whether choral, instrumental, or hymnody, music is vital to the celebration of Sunday Eucharist, the Holy Offices, and all other liturgical celebrations that take place at St. Paul’s.

The Chancel Choir sings at the 10 am Service of Holy Communion every Sunday from September until Pentecost in addition to other special liturgies including Holy Week and Christmas.  It is open to adults who are able to make the commitment to weekly rehearsals which are currently Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the choir room.  While this is not an auditioned group, participants must be able to match pitch. 

The Chancel Choir sings music from Gregorian chant to masterworks of the 20th century.  While we emphasize music of our Anglican heritage – including Anglican chant for Sunday psalmody, and composers associated with our rich musical tradition – the choir also sings high quality liturgical music from other styles and traditions.

The Youth Choir (high school students) currently meets at pre-scheduled, agreed upon times to prepare for specific services.

The Children’s Choir (K-8) meets to rehearse on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the choir room.  Both the Youth Choir and the Children’s Choir currently meet at pre-scheduled, agreed upon times to prepare for specific services.

The Hand Bell Choir has most recently played for “Silver Bells in the City” and for Christmas Eve.  We are in the process of reviving this ensemble after a hiatus.  The Hand Bell Choir plays arrangements as well as original compositions for 4 to 8 ringers.  If you would like to join us, the ability to read music is important for this ensemble.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Gewirtz through the parish office or at All are welcome to participate.

Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic Visitors give consecrated bread and wine to those who are unable to attend worship services. Eucharistic Visitors may visit members in their homes or in the hospital. This role does require you to be licensed by the Diocese, which requires training by the Rev. Karen C. Lewis.

Eucharistic Visitors are sent out from a Sunday worship service with these words:

“In the name of this congregation, we send you out bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s Body and Blood. We who are many are one body because we all share one bread, one cup. Amen.”

Contact The Rev. Karen C. Lewis ( or (517-482-9454) for more information


Greeters offer a ministry of welcome to all who enter. Welcome! One simple word that says so much. A greeter is one of the simplest yet one of the most important ministries. We hope to share a kind word, open a door, offer a handshake, or just a helping hand to people as they enter St. Paul’s worship service. This ministry lives out our call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, sharing the grace and love of Jesus Christ. Sign up to be a greeter in the Merrifield Room.


Lectors are the ministers who read the Old and New Testament lessons for each week. The copy is provided for you to rehearse before the service and you are invited to add context to each lesson if you are inspired to do so. Contact Lyn Zynda ( 517-202-6992)

Prayer Leaders

Prayer Leaders lead the congregation in the “Prayers of the People.” These can be taken directly from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or you are invited to write your own. These prayers are led from the pew so this might be a good fit for someone who is not comfortable getting up in front of the entire congregation. Contact Lyn Zynda ( 517-202-6992)


We serve the community before, during and after worship services and participating at festivals and funerals by insuring all are welcome, safe, and comfortable in the church space.  Ushers serve on an assigned schedule and meetings are called as needed. Contact John Hawkins (517-303-1217) for additional information.