Posted by Administrator

January 12, 2025

Dear All,

A new year has begun!  How many of you made New Year’s resolutions?  I have come to a decision to no longer make resolutions as I disappoint myself every year by not succeeding.  I tend to lay expectations on myself that are either unrealistic or disrupted due to some unexpected uncontrollable event.  Like last year with my emergency gall bladder surgery, and then pancreatitis, and so on and so on.

So, instead, I’m hoping to wake each day with a commitment to pray a few minutes longer in the morning and greet the day with hope and optimism. I’m going to try to look for the good in all and in everything.   It seems there is so much in our world that erect barriers against hopefulness.  As Christians we are simply in one word, people of hope.  If we are not or cannot be hopeful, we might as well give up being Christian.  And I’m just not ready to do that.

This Sunday is the feast of The Baptism of our Lord.  Our first Scripture reading is Isaiah 43:1-7 which is one of my favorite passages in the entire Bible.

God’s promise of comfort . . . of love . . . of redemption . . . simply because we are God’s children.  God claims us and loves us.  No matter what the situation, no matter the struggle, the suffering, the sorrow, you and I will not be forgotten or left alone.  And that alone gives me hope.  These are words to embroider on a pillow or carry in your wallet.  Leave them on your bedside table so that they may be the last words you see before you fall asleep and the first you see when you open your eyes in the morning.  I hope these words will be a blessing to you and yours.

Now, how is your prayer life doing?  Perhaps you might consider trying a new way of praying this new year.  Journaling, perhaps?  Anglican prayer beads might be something to consider.  Praying while coloring?  There is an old story about a monk and his abbot.  The monk went to the abbot and asked, “Is it okay if I smoke while I pray?”  The abbot’s quick response was “Absolutely not.  But it is okay to pray while you smoke.”  Perhaps you can pray while performing some of your daily tasks such as brushing teeth, showering, doing laundry or dishes.  Something to consider.

With the new year comes the opportunity to remind you to consider what ministry you might consider God is calling you to.  A liturgical ministry – lector, chalice bearer, acolyte, usher, altar guild?  Or perhaps helping to plan the church’s mission and outreach activities?  How about hospitality – greeter or coffee hour? 

May your new year be full of hope and love and comfort.  

Blessings to you and yours,
