Third Sunday of Advent
December 15, 2024
Dear All,
Last night I was watching the news and found myself riveted by the film clips coming out of Syria. As you know, after decades of suppression by powerful oppressive dictatorships, the people engaged in rebellion for the last decade to through off this yoke. Last evening, a film crew entered the prison in Damascus known for its torture and cruelty to prisoners. They found a man in a cell cowering in fear under a blanket. He had been imprisoned for several months for reasons unknown to himself or others. He was terrified and knew nothing of the government overthrow. His disbelief and fear were palpable as the news crew tried to reassure him that he was now ‘okay.’ That no one would hurt him. That he was free and could go be with his family.
Can you imagine? In the year 2024 we live in a world where this type of situation can occur? Where a government can lock you up, throw away the key and treat you worse than an animal? Sounds like something right out of our Old Testament. The decades-old war in Sudan! The on-going conflict in the Ukraine. The never-ending battles in the Middle East. Our prayers are desperately needed.
It’s hard at times not to fall into a deep dark hole when all around you seems bleak. And the seasonal grayness of Michigan doesn’t help. I suspect this is where our faith comes in. We are in the season of preparing for the coming of the kingdom of God. Each year, we are reminded that a new way of being, new life, new hope and possibilities are here. We just have to keep working at it. Having faith is great, but we also must join in with God as co-creators to bring about the kingdom. No sitting back and waiting. We are to be preparing. Yes, we are waiting but we are not to wait passively. I wonder what preparations you are making for the coming of our Lord.
Next Sunday, December 22nd is when we green the church after the 10:00am service. If you are able to assist that would be super! Many hands make it easier. Particularly when you are raising two 12-foot trees. Those who help are welcome to join us for a chili lunch afterwards.
Say your prayers!
Blessings to all,