Second Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2024
Dear All,
I have almost completed my Christmas shopping. As December is a busy month for me, I tend to have my shopping done early. All I need to do now is wrap and mail them off to the children and grandchildren. How is your shopping going? For a number of reasons, I cut back on my shopping – certainly rising costs had something to do with it. But it was more about reflecting on the real meaning of Christmas. I am one of five children and when we were young, we used to count the number of Christmas presents that had our names on them. Whoever had the most was the most loved! Or was better or special. The arguments that would break out! Certainly not how to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.
Commercialization of Christmas – the need to buy more or have more reflects our cultural need to be valued, to be worthy, to be good enough. Yet the whole meaning of Christmas is that we are loved and valued simply because we exist. God wants nothing more than for us to know how much we are loved and to share the love around.
Perhaps this Christmas, you and I could find ways to show love to others that does not include purchasing an expensive gift. Perhaps write a letter to the person indicating their importance in your life. How about giving a donation to a worthy charity in that individual’s name. I remember as children we used to give our parents coupon books that offered our free labor for tasks such as cleaning basement shelving, etc. What would it be like if we, as adults, gave our loved ones coupon books for Christmas? Coupons for one afternoon of book reading or one night off from cooking, etc. you get the idea. What other ways are there to share your love? I am eager to hear what ideas you come up with.
On a different note. . . last week’s Sunday service could not be live streamed as the equipment happens to be in the same room in which a main sewage pipe sprung a leak. The service was recorded instead and uploaded later in the afternoon. Hopefully we will be able to live stream this Sunday. The repair work was more extensive than originally thought . . . the pipe was situated between two brick walls. One, which was load bearing, had to have bricks removed, the wall temporarily supported so that the plumbers could then replace the entire pipe. While replacing the pipe they discovered a blockage which they are working on now.
Hopefully, the restrooms and sinks will be opened for use next week – but not guaranteed. If there are signs on the bathroom doors or sacristy sink, please follow the written instructions. We worship in an old building, and we will experience these types of breakdowns on a somewhat regular basis.
Blessings to all and remember to keep saying your prayers.