Posted by Administrator

Dear St. Paul’s,

This week has been one of devastation in the world!  The horrific damage left from Hurricane Helene.  So many folks homeless.  So many businesses and schools and medical centers and Episcopal Churches destroyed.  Bishop Perry has asked that we encourage our parishioners to give whatever may be possible to Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) to assist in recovery efforts.  Here is the link that will take you directly to the ERD page to donate:

In addition to the hurricane, we have growing tensions in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon.  This area has been a battlefield for centuries and it appears as there is no end in sight as Israel also continues its war in Gaza.  All we can do at this time is pray that somehow, some way, we find a way to assist in bringing peace. 

And then, of course, we have a national election only a few weeks away.  The rhetoric on both sides is heating up with untruths being thrown around.  Who to believe?  What to believe?  This is where I call on Jesus and ask the oh-so-familiar question, “What would Jesus do?  Who would Jesus vote for?”  I have to believe it is whoever is involved in seeking justice and equality for all.  It seems as though kindness has been thrown out of the window.  I believe that is one of the roles of churches is to create the space for kindness and respect.  To hold to the values we proclaim and maintain a safe space for all.  Will not be easy.  Particularly after the election is over.  Whoever wins, the other side will be angry, and some may even resort to political violence.

In the meantime, we will continue to gather for Sunday worship and other events.  Don’t forget to put on your calendars Blessing of the Beasts (Animals) this Sunday at 4:00pm.  I will be out of the office from Monday, October 7th through the 26th.  My sister and I are headed to Italy, a long-planned trip to see amazing art, architecture, and of course, churches.  I am not much of a picture taker as I’m usually too in awe to position the camera and click.  Donna will be around to handle any pastoral care issues. 

While I am gone, the Pledge Drive, “Walk in Love” will kick off and we will have a special treat for coffee hour on October 27th.  All will be asked, including the young ones, to ponder what you are grateful for, and claim that on a footstep to post on our journey map.  We do have much to be grateful even when we are overwhelmed with the tensions in our world.  Please remember in your prayers these folks who have lost everything whether it be by hurricane or war.  Pray for cooler heads in making political decisions.  And pray for kindness – particularly among ourselves and when we head out into the world.

Blessings to you and yours,
