Posted by Administrator

Dear All,

This Sunday is the end of the official ‘Church Year’ which is always brought to a close with the celebration of Christ the King Sunday.  Next week we begin the season of Advent which leads us to the birth of our Messiah.  How time flies!  And with Thanksgiving so late this year things seem to be a bit off.  Nevertheless, December 1st is Advent 1 whether we are ready for it or not.

One of the results of the lateness of Thanksgiving is now we have Early Black Friday sales!  Sheesh.  I understand some large retailers are projecting lower sales for this Christmas.  Perhaps we are beginning to understand that it is not about what we have but who we are.  It’s not about what we give materially but how we care for each other.  Or . . . it might just be the economy.

But before we get to Christmas, let’s celebrate and give thanks for all of our blessings.  My hope is many of you will join us for our Grateful Gathering dinner this Tuesday, the 26th.  It is not too late to sign up.  This is the opportunity to gather with your faith family . . . to eat great food . . . to give thanks for each other . . . and to remember those who first inhabited this land.  On Thursday I hope all of you will find ways to care for yourself whether it is relaxing while watching a parade or football; indulging in great family meals of turkey with all the trimmings, or heading out to eat and a movie.  May you find rest, peace and joy in whatever it is you will be doing.  If you are traveling, please be safe.

Don’t forget to bring you pledge cards with you to church this Sunday.  It is our ingathering and we will celebrate your gifts with pie at coffee hour. 

Prayers and blessings to all of you!
