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October 3 What is it about? When and how was it written?

Canon Hamlin is offering a 4-week course on the Bible. This will not be a traditional Bible study. We will spend four weeks looking at what the Bible is—and is not. We will ask questions about origins, literary styles, what it does and does not contain, issues of translation versus paraphrase, and how to evaluate the perspective of various study Bibles. Bring an open mind and a couple of your favorite Bibles and a Book of Common Prayer. If you have questions, speak to Canon Hamlin.


  • October 3 What is it about? When and how was it written?
  • October 10 Literary Genre
  • October 17 What’s in; what’s out? Why?
  • October 24 Translations: reading levels and perspectives

Class will be 6:30—8:00 pm with an optional dinner before at 6:00 pm. Sign-up sheets are in the Merrifield Room.