Posted by Administrator

Wow!  Theresa and I just finished watching the construction crew remove the intricate upper frames of the Te Deum window.  It was almost like watching a high wire act as we held our breath when the fork lift picked up the entire left section and gently brought it down to the ground.  It was a strange feeling to see the giant hole in our wall now devoid of all stained glass.  I guess sadness best describes the feeling and yet I know the new window will be better than we can imagine at this time.

The work continues although at a slower pace than hoped due to some challenges in removing the stained glass.  Now that the window is out, the masons will begin to remove the remaining portion of the wall to a level 32 inches below ground or right to the foundation.  Once that is completed, they will begin to build the new wall starting with the inner wall of cinder block.  Some have asked about saving the bricks that are being removed — most of the bricks are not salvageable as they are broken or in less than whole pieces.  Those that are in good shape are being reserved to intertwine the new wall with the existing wall.

The glass and frame will be crated and shipped to New York where it will take a minimum of 8 weeks to repair any broken glass and build a new frame.  Although much of the glass is in good shape, numerous pieces were cracked as a result of the movement of the wall.  The construction work and crew has become a routine part of the staff’s life and we have gotten to know many of the folks.  They are good and dedicated and working hard to return us to the space as quickly as possible. 

It seems we are becoming more acclimated in the Merrifield Room and the new chairs provide greater comfort (particularly during the longer sermons).  A local event planner is assisting us in decorating the space so as we can celebrate Holy Week properly — journeying with Jesus into death and new life.  Let us remember to hold each other in our prayers as the needs and hopes of this congregation continue whether a wall is up or down.  We are blessed to be St. Paul’s and let us remember to be a blessing to others.  I pray I will see many of you this Easter morning.