We welcome all into our facilities (whether you have been here before or are seeking a worship home) for in-person worship, meetings and gatherings.
As Episcopalians, we are members of the world-wide Anglican Communion. At times we are referred to as’ that church started by Henry VIII so he could get a divorce’. Come visit and you’ll find out there is much more to us than a cranky old ancestor. Theologically some suggest we are progressive – instead we think of ourselves as keen on social justice issues, fairness, justice and equality for all folks. Worship-wise, or liturgically as we refer to it, we have a well-defined service that includes scripture readings, hymn singing, praying, preaching and sharing holy communion.
The only way to know if we are a good fit for you, is to try us out. We welcome all and pressure none. The most important thing is your relationship with God and we encourage you to find the place where it will grow most fruitfully. For more information about St. Paul’s, its ministries or anything else, feel free to email the rector, Karen Lewis at rector@stpaulslansing.org or contact our parish office at 517-482-9454.
Blessings to you and yours,
January 19, 2025
Dear All,
Yikes!!! The Michigan grayness is getting to me! Is it challenging to get up in the morning for you? I certainly struggle rolling out of bed in the dark. Perhaps when the sun comes up earlier it will make it easier. Given the weather and the political situation and the wildfires in LA and the war in Israel and confusion over a ceasefire, one certainly can justify falling into a slump.
So, if I were to ask you, “Are you okay?” How would you respond? We live in chaotic, destabilizing days and if you were to respond ‘okay’ I might wonder if you need a gut check. It certainly is okay to not feel okay these days. I suspect most of us do.
When in a emotional slump, what do you do to feel the joy and hope once again? I listen to classical music or read a book that is entertaining (which means it doesn’t require me to think too much) or watch a Hallmark movie. I seldom turn to prayer at these times. It is though I don’t even have the energy for prayer. Sometimes reading the psalms of lament helps. Psalm 55 is one of my favorites. Perhaps you did not know that it is okay to yell at God – to let God know you are unhappy with the situation – that life sucks at times – and you want God to do something about it. When I was in seminary, several of us would head over to the shores of Lake Michigan at night and howl our unhappiness at the moon and God. We certainly felt better afterwards even though the situation hadn’t changed. So, if you choose to howl, just make sure you pick the right time and place.
Switching topics . . .
. . . I encourage you if able, to donate to one of the many credible organizations doing good work out in Los Angeles. Lives have been lost, thousands of homes and businesses destroyed, animals displaced, and people left homeless. Episcopal Relief & Development is providing assistance to folks in that area as several Episcopal churches have been destroyed. There are many animal rescue organizations gathering up the animals that have been displaced. Perhaps you might give to one of those.
. . . Next Sunday is our Annual Meeting following the 10:00am worship service. This is our annual gathering to hear about the state of the church; to elect new Vestry members and delegates to our Diocesan Convention; and to enjoy each other’s company. Your presence is of great value as you are a valued member of St. Paul’s. Please sign up and let us know you are coming and what dish you will bring to our great church potluck!!
. . . Lent starts late this year, March 5th, which means Easter will be late this year, April 22nd. Staff has already started planning for Lent and possible formational opportunities for you to participate in. One will be to join us four Tuesday evenings on Zoom to learn about the invisible, oft-forgotten person of the Trinity. Another opportunity will be a church-wide book study with discussions held at coffee hour on Sundays.
Until next week, be good to yourselves and say your prayers. Blessings, Karen+
Advent I: – December 1 – 10:00am – Worship & Holy Communion
Advent II/St. Nicholas Sunday – December 8 – 10:00am – Worship & Holy Communion
Advent III – December 15 – 10:00am – Worship & Holy Communion
Advent IV – December 22 – 10:00am – Worship & Holy Communion
Christmas Eve – December 24 – 7:00pm – Christmas Music and Service
Christmas Day – December 25 – 10:00am – Worship & Holy Communion (In-person only)
Baptism & Holy Communion – December 29 – 10:00am
Epiphany Lessons & Carols & Ante communion – January 5 – 10:00am
TODAY we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Today’s propers (scripture readings) are selected for this particular celebration and note the Eucharistic Prayer is also for this feast day. Next week will be our Annual Meeting.
Our next Wednesday Noon Zoom Book Study will be February 5th & 12th.
Wednesday evening Zoom Bible Study next on January 22nd at 7:00pm. We will be studying
Acts 9:1-22 and Galatians 1:11-24.
Compline on Wednesday evenings will return in 2025. The Very Rev. Gail Shafer, our priest associate, will offer Compline on Wednesdays evenings at 9:00pm via zoom.
We still need folks to sign up to be greeters and host coffee hour, help taking the recycling and filling the blessing box. There are sign up sheets on the red table in the Merrifield Room.
Looking ahead . . .
January 20th – Office closed for Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
January 24th – Faith and Film – The Princess Bride
January 26th – Annual Meeting immediately following the 10:00am service – sign up to let us know you are coming and also if you can bring a dish to pass. If you have a ministry report for the Annual Report, it is due electronically to Theresa Milne by January 13th.
February 2nd – Winterlude – Lansing Symphony Orchestra returns for its annual Winterlude concert. This year it will feature woodwind instruments.
February 8 – Vestry Day Zoom with Bishop Perry. Register at Diocesan website
We also need folks to sign up to be greeters, coffee hour hosts, ushers, etc. As we return to in-person activities our need for volunteers has returned. Don’t be shy!
St. Paul’s is pleased to offer electronic giving options for your regular pledge payments or other contributions to the church.
You may still contribute by check but now you may give securely by clicking: ONLINE GIVING.
You may also contribute on your phone by texting stpaulsegive to 73256 followed by your gift amount. For example; stpaulsegive $25.
You can also select the option to help us cover the processing costs. For example, a $100 gift with an optional processing fee of 3% will be $3. You will receive full credit of $103 on your gift.
Here is a video to explain the process (unmute for audio instructions):
Sunday Services at 10 am.
Our Sunday worship services are conducted both in-person and virtually. Virtual services may be found on our Facebook page, this website, and YouTube.
218 West Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Sunday parking in Roosevelt Ramp off Seymour
© St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Lansing, MI
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